Whedonesque : Comments on 14650 : More Joss Strike Talk.

Reporters are funny people. At least, some of the New York Times reporters are. Their story on the strike was the most dispiriting and inaccurate that I read. But it also contained one of my favorite phrases of the month.“All the trappings of a union protest were there… …But instead of hard hats and work boots, those at the barricades wore arty glasses and fancy scarves.”Oh my God. Arty glasses and fancy scarves. That is so cute! My head is aflame with images of writers in ruffled collars, silk pantaloons and ribbons upon their buckled shoes. A towering powdered wig upon David Fury’s head, and Drew Goddard in his yellow stockings (cross-gartered, needless to say). Such popinjays, we! The entire writers’ guild as Leslie Howard in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Delicious.
Whedonesque : Comments on 14650 : More Joss Strike Talk.

I'm a little late to blogging this particular party, but this is a worthwhile read. As everyone's favorite TV shows trickle to a halt it's easy to start being annoyed at the writer's strike, but we all need to recall they are striking for real issues, and they deserve support. Even if it means the TiVo's cupboard runs bare.

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