OmniFocus in Open Beta and Special Pre-order Pricing!

Pre-order before product release on Jan. 8, 2008 and pay only $39.95 (release price will be $79.95). Special upgrade pricing is available for OmniOutliner Pro owners.
The Omni Group - OmniFocus

I've handed out my share of the Kool-Aid about Getting Things Done on this blog before, and I won't go into it now. If you use GTD then you know what I'm talking about. If you don't use it, then you probably won't care about this software. I've alluded a couple of times to using "Kinkless GTD" for tracking my stuff a few times, but since August I've been using OmniFocus. Briefly, kGTD was a set of AppleScripts that turned OmniOutliner Pro into a GTD application. kGTD got so popular that Omni decided to write an actual full application and basically lure over all the kGTD users. OmniFocus has been in "fairly open" beta program for a while, but I wasn't really sure how bloggable the topic was.

Anyway, it's in public beta now, and if you pre-order you get 50% off. If you're on the fence, grab a copy and check it out. If you are using Kinkless currently I can quite confidently tell you that you should definitely try switching over. It's fantastic if you're already used to Kinkless. Highly recommended.

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